PCR Plandemic. Abusing the PCR test to destroy society? Looks like that’s the plan. Cycle thresholds so high everything is positive?? Watch the Covid Grand Jury witnesses explain. Nuremberg2 ASAP!!!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/EBKMkKfuEV7u/ From Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury proceedings, Day 3, this is the testimony by Dr. Soňa Peková, molecular biologist. She follows Ulrike Kämmerer's testimony about...
Communist Reset, Say NO!
Tell the psychopaths running your government to STOP this Communist Reset. 1984 wasn't an instruction manual. Orwell would be impressed. Wake up people before it's...
George Webb Rumble Videos
George Webb is at least 2 years ahead of most people. Youtube deleted thousands of his videos. BRAVO George!!! BRAVO!!https://rumble.com/vc20oh-george-webb-this-goes-back-to-1999-and-kosovo-soros-uses-nato-encrypts-and-.html https://rumble.com/search/video?q=george%20webb
1984 is NOW.
1984 Is NOW!